Bullying is a pervasive issue that many of us have encountered in one form or another. It leaves scars that run deep, affecting not just the individual being bullied but also the fabric of society as a whole. When faced with such darkness, it can be challenging to find the light within. However, in moments of despair, it is crucial to turn to the higher realms of understanding and embrace the power of divine intervention and free will.
In the eyes of the Divine Realms of Light, bullies are individuals who have strayed from the essence of their soul and spirit. They are disconnected from the universe and the love that binds us all together. While it may be tempting to judge them harshly, it is essential to remember that everyone has a path they have chosen before entering this life.
The concept of reincarnation may be unfamiliar to some, but the idea that we have lived multiple lifetimes is a profound one. With this understanding, we can approach the challenges of this lifetime with a greater sense of purpose and resilience. Bullying, in any form, cannot be tolerated. Universal Laws dictate the principle of Cause and Effect, ensuring that every action has its consequences.
A man who was cold and unfeeling towards women might reincarnate as a female to better understand his feminine side, his emotions, and develop his spirituality. When Sonny was in this last incarnation, he was not true to himself. Many find it too challenging to do so. Instead, they behave in a manner that their fight or flight drives them. Sonny spoke to me of many, many regrets he had while living as a bully more times than he wanted. He knew he had to survive, but did not understand then what he knows now. Then he did not feel he had a choice. Of course, we always do, but he could not see it.
When faced with a bullying situation, it is essential to seek help from the appropriate authorities. However, for those who are spiritually awakened, there is another avenue to explore. By connecting with the Light silently and sincerely, one can invoke divine intervention to safeguard the vulnerable.
The response from the Light may not always be explicit. There are instances where the lesson must be learned through experience, beyond our comprehension. However, there are also moments when miracles occur, and the hand of protection is extended to those in need.
It is crucial to remember that our understanding is limited, and judgment should be withheld. The Light is always listening, offering guidance and protection to those who seek it. Our mission on this earth is to learn and evolve, shedding the shackles of resentment and fear that impede our growth.
As you navigate the complexities of life, hold onto the vision of love, peace, and equality for all. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. Release yourself from anger and bitterness, opening up to the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
In conclusion, bullying is a manifestation of darkness that can only be dispelled through the power of the Light. By invoking the forces of divine intervention and embracing our free will, we can transcend the challenges before us and emerge stronger and more resilient.
Remember, the Light is always present, guiding us on our journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment. Stay true to your path, and trust in the wisdom and compassion of the universe.
As we walk this path together, may we find peace in the knowledge that we are never alone. The Light is with us, illuminating our way and nurturing our souls. Embrace the divine within you and let your light shine brightly for all to see.
Let us navigate the labyrinth of life with courage and grace, knowing that we are guided by the love and wisdom of the universe. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious, shining beacons of hope and inspiration to all.
In the vast tapestry of existence, let us be the threads that weave together love, compassion, and understanding. For in the unity of our spirits, lies the true power to transform darkness into light. Sonny Liston is thriving in the Realms of Light. He has healed. You too will be offered the same opportunities to emerge from whatever plagued you in this
lifetime. It is better not to wait until the Afterlife, but that is always a choice.